Bipolar Support Tokyo

DepressionBookWelcome to the bipolar disorder support for Tokyo. If you need bipolar support in Tokyo our goal is to help you. Many living with bipolar disorder have a tough time handling situations. The reality is bipolar disorder is a series of mood swings. There are some with bipolar disorder who become depressed and others who become manic.

Our bipolar support for Tokyo is providing by offering several resources. They are created by noted bipolar survivor, author and educator Blake LeVine. In his teens Blake faced a severe battle with bipolar disorder. He was placed in five psychiatric hospitals. He eventually found the right medications and therapy to slowly and steadily rebuild his life. He went on to get married, have children, obtain his Masters in Social Work and help many others facing these issues.

We offer help in three ways. One is offering a telephone life coaching program. Our trained coaches work with you by phone or video chat to help handle problems. You may learn about this by emailing or calling our US number at (213) 304-9555.

Our founder also has written several bestselling books teaching about bipolar disorder. We encourage you to read these books and learn the terrific information found in these works. The books are available at:

The final way we offer bipolar disorder help for Tokyo is through our free daily educational blog. We write very motivational and inspiring articles teaching about bipolar disorder on

Thank you and we look forward to helping you learn about bipolar disorder.

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